Edible rooftop gardens

Screen-Shot-2013-10-16-at-4.47.33-PM-720x538Cities are often seen as dead zones, producing nothing and consuming everything. The urban population in 2014 accounted for 54% of the total global population, up from 34% in 1960, and continues to grow. With that rising population means more demand on land for food from outside sources. Locally produced food in the city is possible, one of the best commercial examples of this is Wholefoods in New York, a 20 000 square foot rooftop greenhouse.

This is a sustainable development breakthrough, one day though we are going to need a global consciousness breakthrough, where profit does not even come into the equation. The earth is at a tipping point on so many levels, our economic system is encouraging the destruction of earth. That is why hemp is such an important industry to replace so many other destructive materials that are currently being used.

A revolution will not come from government, you can believe that, the same government parties that get election money from Monsanto and Lockheed Martin need to repay that debt. The revolution will come from the bottom up, from people like you and me, crowdfunded projects like the one started by dutch teenager that is sick of all the plastic in the sea (who has now raised over 2 million dollars)

We need crowd funded projects and more companies that see long term true sustainability of this planet. Residential rooftop gardens would be much more attractive to people looking to cut costs on food and their impact on the world outside their city. Lets hope this spreads.



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